Mobile application for analog photography.
There are a plenty of applications for photography including analog photography. We have decided to create our own one which is focused mainly on photographers using large und Ultra large format. Initially It was developed as application for our own needs and uses but we hope it might be of interest to many other analog photographers. It is absolutely free of charge and has no subscription, advertisement etc.
We will be working on its further developing considering both our own needs and your feedback.
Consists of the following parts:
– Time calculator
To perform operations with time, what helps when developing films using The Zone System and sensiometry with compensation for contraction development (known as N-) and expansion development ((known as N+), using large-format cameras etc.
– Bellows extension
Exposure compensation calculator based on bellows extension.
– Conversion 35 mm
Conversion focal length of the medium and all famous large format cameras lenses into the 35 mm format.
– Calculator of developer
Calculator of developer and water proportions for High concentrate film developers such as pyro.
– Reciprocity
Calculation of exposure, taking into account the influence of the Schwarzschild effect.
– Negative camera
Camera for viewing black and white and color negatives in real time.
– Viewfinder
For film shoots, especially large format. Now you can evaluate a possible frame without taking out your camera, determine which lens is more suitable for a given scene, see the frame in black and white and in color.
All major film formats are available, the non-film part of the screen can be made hidden, and of course, you can take a photo that will be saved in the gallery. One can zoom using fingers, on devices with several cameras, switching occurs automatically. Focal lengths are switched by tapping on the current focal length indicator (upper right corner), formats – by tapping on the format indicator in the upper left corner of the screen.
We would be happy to get any serious feedback on our work. It would great also if you share with us your ideas how to improve the application, which other parts you would like to add.